Friday, 16 March 2012

The Wisdom of Menstrual Health

We wanted to talk about menstrual health as it is such a major part of women's lives, their health and their conceptions of beauty.  Why is it that we are taught to dread it?  To feel "un-sanitary"?  The media and advertising has certainly been no aid in making women feel beautiful, empowered or joyful about having their period.  I love this quote from Dr. Christinane Northrup's book, see info below.

An example of a women's  Moon Lodge 

Imagine how different we would feel about getting our period?  With understanding more about our bodies, cycles and healthy alternatives, perhaps we can begin to shift out thoughts and begin to appreciate it and celebrate it with other women and ourselves. 

Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D. is a doctor I highly respect, my mother used to read her book, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, to me growing up. She is an alternative, spiritual and medical doctor gynaecologist with feminist insight. You can read more about her and the wisdom of menstrual health HERE.   You can also find information about the best foods to eat during and before menstruation, and many more resources.

The use of mainstream, drugstore brand pads and tampons are made with synthetic materials, bleach with turns into a dioxin, contain pesticides and other harmful chemicals.  Many of these products, such as using tampons, inserts theses chemicals into our mucus membranes and increases your risk of bacterial growth and toxic shock syndrome. The feminine vaginal wipes, which are now provided with many pads or the buy separate to "keep you Fresh".  These wipes change the PH of your vaginal area which is dangerous as it needs to stay slightly acidic, in addition the wipes, scent sprays and powders disrupt the health bacteria balance, which can use irritation, yeast infections, and urinary tract infection. Not to mention the thousands of other chemicals which lurk under the name "fragrance" or "perfume", many of which are endocrine disruptors and carcinogenic.  

Fear not, there are plenty of effective and safe alternatives. Many of which I have used throughout my life.
For alternative pads and tampons you can make your own! See link below. Otherwise there are a few excellent brands that make organic, unbleached options, with or without applicators. There is also something called the Diva cup, or Mooncup, which is a reusable silicone cup which you insert to catch blood and drain out. I cannot comment on which I like better as I have only tried the Diva cup.

 To help alleviate pain you can use a hot water bottle, or hot bag that gets heated in the microwave, I would avoid using an electric heating pad.
(***Please note, we are not doctors, consult your alternative health care practitioner or doctor before beginning any new treatment or regimen!***)
-Essential oils such as lavender and peppermint may be diluted and massaged on the abdomen.  Visiting a local acupuncture clinic for treatment can really help subdue the pain. There are menstrual yoga poses you can try, or a hot bath with epsom salts.

Herb teas such as shepherd's purse, sage, red clover, raspberry leaf are all excellent to help with cramps and bleeding, and are used traditionally by many indigenous women. supplements, I personally use which significantly help with cramps are (consult your doctor first!), vitamin B complex, magnesium to help relax music contractions, omega fats especially evening primrose oil (can be found in capsules), making sure your iodine levels are ideal can really help with breast pain and tenderness (try eating sea vegetables) this has really helped me, have a naturopath mix up a crampbark tincture for you.  What has helped me the very most, as someone who used to be bed ridden by pain, and I am now able for the first time in my life to not take pharmaceutical pain killers is turmeric!  Yes, the yellow ground spice often found in curry dishes.
Incorporating cinnamon, turmeric about a teaspoon mixed with some coconut oil and honey, mint, parsley, coriander, ginger and basil in your diet during your period as they are very useful in relieving menstrual pain and cramps and reducing inflammation.  
If you are feeling, tired, irritable, sore and tender REST! Allow yourself time for you!
Try and eat water rich fruits and vegetables, grains and legumes.  Avoid sugar, caffeine (increases muscle contractions=cramps), and refined foods.
The film The Moon Inside You  is definitely worth a watch, this links is Youtube clip of it.
Also check out New Moon Collective , they have put together a beautiful zine about menstruation.
You can try some yoga poses for menstruation Here 

Natracare makes organic feminine products you can check them out Here
DIY washable pads Here

More books, The Optimized Woman, Using the menstrual cycle to achieve success and fulfillment. 

The Moon and menstruation 

Lets change the way we feel about our bodies and our periods. 

 Women coming together 

(Images from Google & Pinterest) 

We would love to hear form you! 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Beauty Diaries


I got married within a mere 3 days of meeting my husband. I think the number one reason is because I was pretty, skinny and held most stereotypical norms of beauty. But after I became a mother and when I gained 30 pounds as a result, I feel that my husband sees me as unattractive and he has begun to ignore/neglect me. I started feeling less important to him. I think a man should respect a women's inner beauty not those stereotypes of beauty. And thus all the toxic products that are on the market that the beauty industry uses to pressure society and women to use to try and look, feel more beautiful makes matters even worse.  We must embrace ourselves with our unique individualities and physical characteristics and embrace the amazing transformations that women go through to conceive a child.  Women’s bodies are not wrong, it’s the industries and societies that are wrong for making women feel bad and insecure about their bodies, rather than celebrating their amazing ability to bring life!

I am from the generation that declared that natural bodily functions and secretions were unwelcome,
unpleasant and most of all, no one wanted to SMELL them. We were sold on the idea of a feminine deodorant
spray, a product aptly named FDS and it was sprayed on your vaginal area to subdue those nasty vagianl odours after you had a shower and it promised to keep you fresh as a daisy for hours! Great - not! It stung my delicate mucous membranes and I decided that I would rather risk being smelly than suffer that discomfort. I further deduced that if it hurt that much, it might not be such a healthy product. My solution was to use dusting powder, in my underwear, lots and lots of dusting powder for years and years and years. It was only after I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer that I learned that talc was akin to asbestos and was linked to ovarian cancer. We have a right to know what we are putting on our bodies. Educate yourself and read labels girls!


I struggle with my body image and as the decades progress, I know that I am that much removed from ever getting my body back, well the body that I never felt I had, even when I had it. Only by looking at old pictures of myself that I thought (at the time they were taken) that I was too heavy, do I realize that I had a pretty good body and I should have been happy with it. It served me well and I didn't appreciate it. I wanted it to be perfect, like magazine perfect. Why do we impose these standards on ourselves and try so hard to please?

*Thank you so much to everyone who has shared their personal stories with us. Please submit your beauty diary, email us!  

Monday, 12 March 2012

Toxic Free Beauty will be at York University!

Exciting news everyone, the ladies of Toxic Free Beauty will have a table set up in the Student Centre this Wednesday! 
Please come join us for conversation, stories, tips, DIY, questions and engaging activities! 

Click to enlarge 

Body scrub, Body powder DIY, coconut oil & dry brushing

Spiced ginger bread body scrub! DIY

Body/baby powder DIY 

The many uses of coconut oil 

Dry brushing technique & benefits 

Manifesto/ Vow

I will do my best not to buy beauty products that contain chemicals that can harm me and the environment.

I shall not buy cosmetics, which are based on celebrity endorsements and false advertizing claims.

I will educate myself to learn to read product labels and not buy into “green washing” and believe that just because a label says ‘organic’ or ‘natural’ that it is safe or healthier.

I can buy products that do not cost a lot of money.  Just because the price of something is higher does not make it a superior or healthier product.

I understand that there is no magic beauty pill or product that will solve all of my “problems”.

I understand that I can make many cost effective and at home Do IT Yourself beauty products that are safe for me and the environment.  

I will not compare myself to anyone else, based on race, class, gender, and/or celebrity status, or on stereotypical notions of what beauty is. 

I recognize that a certain ideal is portrayed in advertizing marketing, and I realize that this is not the ideal beauty. 

I understand that women are disproportionately targeted for bogus advertizing and consumption of beauty “enhancing” products.  

I am beautiful just the way I am!

I recognize that there are other ways for me to feel beautiful, I do not need to buy products to make me feel/look beautiful. 

I am aware that advertizing campaigns use airbrushing, professional makeup artists and other digital re-touching.

I acknowledge that I do not need dozens of separate beauty products for every part of my body, because only a few can do the trick

Just because a beauty product is endorsed by a famous celebrity, or Doctor does not make it a superior product.

Natural beauty products do not have to cost me more money.

I will educate my family and friends about the dangers of many mainstream beauty products.

I will continue to fight for better, safer ingredients in beauty products to protect myself, and the environment.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

You are Beautiful!

     We have a Facebook page,  please visit us at Toxic Free Beauty      

                                                                     Images from Pinterest

Welcome to Toxic Free Beauty!

 We are a group of four ladies working to raise awareness about various issues regarding concepts of beauty, societal pressures to conform to media notions of what beauty is and how women are targeted. In particular the pressures to purchase and use certain commodities. We talk about and address health concerns related to toxic chemical ingredients in mainstream personal care/beauty products and cosmetics, in addition to consumer goods labelled as natural and/or organic.  A diverse array of issues stem from the aforementioned, which we will attempt to address, issues such as, racialized beauty, marketing ploys/scams in advertising for instance, “green washing”, as well as concerns regarding the lack of regulation of ingredients in products and branded products on the market. We will investigate social class issues in regards to who are the target demographic for these products, who is excluded, and why? Our team is interested in environmental and social issues related to consumer beauty product ingredients; where the ingredients come from, how they manufactured and who does the manufacturing process affect? We wish to raise awareness about the phenomenon of the “blood brain barrier” (BBB), how adults, children and particularly infants are at extreme risk by being exposed to chemicals in personal care products, in addition to the concept of ‘Body Burden’ (BB), cancers and other harmful heath effects. One of our most prevalent concerns is the lack of awareness regarding potential hazards, and denial of the harmful effects of using many mainstream beauty products. Finally, we wish to spread the word that there are safe, cost effective and most importantly, ‘Do It Yourself’ (DIY) alternatives to mainstream chemically laced products. 
We hope to create a safe place here for women of all ages to share their experiences create dialog, post comments, stories, information, artwork, events etc!

Welcome! Have a beautiful day! - The ladies of Toxic Free Beauty

Please visit our youtube channel and subscribe to learn more and watch DIY natural body care videos.